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company philosophy

Company Philosophy

As science and technology have advanced, they have brought about the benefits of material civilization. However, rapid industrialization and indiscriminate development for the sake of humanity's comfortable life have also led to various side effects.

Examples of this can be seen in the pollution of the natural ecosystem, climate change, pollution of nature and the human body due to the misuse of antibiotics and chemicals, and their resulting side effects.

From the very beginning, the role of microorganisms has been tirelessly working to transform all of Earth's nature into the most hospitable environment for humanity, as well as to maintain human bodies in the healthiest state possible.

Microorganisms have not been readily visible or colorful to the naked eye, which is why research and development in this field have relatively lagged behind. Even today, the foundation of our well-being, preventing pollution in our bodies and in the environment, and regulating our immune systems to ensure that we can drink polluted water and harvest crops without falling ill, lies in microorganisms, particularly probiotics.

These various healing microorganisms that provide natural remedies have been barely explored by humanity, accounting for less than 5% of what is known. For instance, the overuse of antibiotics and chemicals has led to disruptions in our immune systems, extending beyond the scope of natural healing, resulting in issues like skin aging, skin diseases, and hair loss in our bodies.

With this in mind, based on research, experience, and achievements in the field of water purification and animal immunity, we aim to realize the most natural method of creating industries that are free from drugs, antibiotics, and additives.


All Employees of SN-NATURAL(SN-NATURAL Environmental & Communications)